1) приходить домой a) come home b) go to bed c) take a shower 2) принимать душ a) come home b) wash the dishes c) take a shower 3) ложиться спать a) come home b) go to bed c) take a shower d) go to school 4) мыть посуду a) wash the dishes b) take a shower c) wash my face and hands 5) убирать в комнате a) wash the dishes b) take a shower c) tidy (my) room 6) завтракать a) have breakfast b) have lunch c) have dinner 7) умываться a) wash the dishes b) wash my face and hands c) brush (my) teeth 8) просыпаться a) get up b) go to bed c) have breakfast 9) одеваться a) get up b) get dressed c) do housework 10) расчесываться a) brush (my) hair b) brush (my) teeth c) wash my face and hands d) take a shower

Daily life (4 form)

Bảng xếp hạng

Phong cách trực quan

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