1) The PP requested a review of MH, and does not have an ORC or MH through the OWP. a) MHR complete. b) No ORC at time of MHR, will need MH through OWP.  c) CHR complete. d) No ORC at time of CHR, will need MH through OWP.  e) CHR complete, sending pre-emptive MHR.  2) The PP requested a review of MH and we have all MH through the ORC/OWP. a) No ORC at time of CHR, will need MH through OWP. b) CHR complete. c) CHR complete, sending pre-emptive MHR. d) No ORC at time of MHR, will need MH through OWP. e) MHR complete. 3) The PP did not request a review of MH, we have MH through the OWP, and the P has 2 temporary pre-existing conditions. a) CHR complete, sending pre-emptive MHR. b) MHR complete. c) CHR complete. d) No ORC at time of CHR will need MH through OWP. e) MHR complete, sending pre-emptive CHR. 4) A review of MH was not requested, there is no ORC and we are missing MH through the OWP.  a) No ORC at time of CHR, will need MH through OWP. b) CHR complete. c) MHR complete, need MH through OWP. d) CHR complete, sending pre-emptive MHR. e) No ORC at time of MHR, need MH through OWP. 5) The P has a permanent pre-existing condition, there was no medical history review request, and we have MH through the OWP.  a) CHR complete.  b) MHR complete, sending pre-emptive CHR. c) No ORC at time of CHR, will need MH through OWP. d) CHR complete, sending pre-emptive MHR. e) No ORC at time of CHR, sending pre-emptive MHR. 6) A review of MH was not requested, the P has 6 temporary pre-existing conditions, and the P does not have an ORC or MH through the OWP. a) MHR complete. b) No ORC at time of CHR, sending pre-emptive MHR. c) CHR complete, will need MH through OWP. d) No ORC at time of MHR, sending pre-emptive CHR. e) No ORC at time of MHR, will need MH through OWP.  7) The ILWP was extended to 6/28/22, a review of MH was not requested, the P has 1 temporary pre-existing condition and we have MH through the OWP.  a) First exam on 6/28/22, extended ILWP. CHR complete, sending pre-emptive MHR.  b) CHR complete, sending pre-emptive MHR. c) First exam on 6/28/22, extended ILWP. MHR complete. d) No ORC at time of CHR, will need MH through OWP. e) First exam on 6/28/22, extended ILWP.  8) The ILWP was extended to 8/4/22, a review of MH was requested and we are missing MH through the OWP. a) First exam on 8/4/22, extended ILWP. MHR complete. b) MHR complete. c) No ORC at time of MHR, will need MH through OWP. d) CHR complete.  e) First exam on 8/4/22, extended ILWP. No ORC at time of MHR, will need MH through OWP.  9) The policy started on 5/1/22 and the P was not brought home until 5/26/22. A review of MH was not requested and we have MH through the OWP.  a) CHR complete. b) P acquired on 5/26/22, extended all WPs accordingly. CHR complete, sending pre-emptive MHR.  c) Extended ILWP. CHR complete, sending pre-emptive MHR. d) P acquired on 5/26/22, extended all WPs accordingly. CHR complete. e) P acquired on 5/26/22, extended all WPs accordingly. MHR complete. 10) There was no review of MH requested, the P has 2 pre-existing conditions, and we have MH through the OWP. The MH noted the P has Trupanion Pet Insurance.  a) Noted in MH to have Trupanion. MHR complete. b) Dual insurance. CHR complete. c) Noted in MH to have Trupanion. CHR complete, sending pre-emptive MHR. d) Dual insurance. MHR complete, sending pre-emptive CHR. e) CHR complete.

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