1 - A rock feels hard/rough., 2 - Chocolate tastes sweet/bitter., 3 - The sun feels hot. The sun looks bright.., 4 - A lemon tastes sour., 5 - Ice feels cold., 6 - A cat feels soft. A cat looks furry., 7 - Coffee tastes bitter/delicious/horrible. Coffee smells delicious/ disgusting., 8 - Perfume smells sweet/ fragrant/pungent/ nice/ disgusting., 9 - Fire feels warm/ hot., 10 - A hedgehog feels prickly., 11 - A frog feels slimy., 12 - Oil feels greasy., 13 - A pillow feels soft/hard., 14 - Curry tastes spicy., 15 - French fries taste salty., 16 - A crocodile feels rough., 17 - Spoiled meat smells foul/horrible/ disgusting., 18 - A cheesecake tastes sweet/ creamy. A cheesecake smells delicious., 19 - Garbage smells foul/ horrible/ disgusting., 20 - Glue feels sticky., 21 - The music sounds loud.,

What does it look/ feel/ taste/ smell/ sound like?

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