Greenhouse effect - the natural process by which the atmosphere traps some of the Sun's energy, warming the Earth enough to support life, Ozone - a poisonous gas found high in the earth’s atmosphere. This layer protects the earth from the sun’s radiation., Oxygen - the gas that we need to inhale in order to survive, Carbon dioxide - plants absorb this gas from the atmosphere, and people exhale it when breathing, fossil fuel - petroleum, coal, or natural gas, derived from living matter of a previous geologic time and used for fuel, gravity - the natural force of attraction exerted by the earth, condensation - the process when something changes from a gas to a solid, DNA - a nucleic acid which contains genetic information about the human body, clone - a cell or organism that is a genetically identical copy, genes - the basic biological units of heredity, predator - an animal that attacks and kills other animals for food, vertebrate - an animal with a backbone or spinal column, mammal - a warm-blooded vertebrate animals, which have hair on their skin and milk producing glands in the female, like humans,

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