“I speak as a hard-headed business man.” (Act 1) - Shows Mr Birling is hard-hearted. Shows pride in his hard-won success., Unsinkable, absolutley unsinkable - Dramatic irony – audience knows something the characters don’t. Titanic is a metaphor for the family and its privileged position., “We really must stop these silly pretences.” Sheila to Mrs Birling (Act 2) - Sheila understands the Inspector’s message. Shows a division growing between Sheila and her mother. Shows that Sheila understands the need to stop lying. (Key theme), “Girls of that class.” Mrs Birling to the Inspector (Act 2) - Shows Mrs Birling thinks she is socially and morally superior. Almost as though the poor are by definition squalid and worthless. Emphasis on “that” shows her disgust in the working class., “She was very pretty – soft brown hair and big dark eyes.” Gerald (Act 2) - Gerald’s language stresses the difference between Eva and “women of the town” who he calls “hard-eyed” and “dough-faced”. By stressing the positive aspects of Eva, “You’re not the kind of father a chap could go to when he’s in trouble.” Eric (Act 2) - The Birlings are not only hard-hearted towards the working class, “We are members of one body. We are responsible for each other.” The Inspector (Act 3) - The core message of the Inspector and the play. Directly contrasts with Birling’s message of ‘every man for himself’. The message applies to all the characters and the audience., “Everything’s all right now Sheila.” Gerald to Sheila (Act 3) - This shows Gerald has not understood the messag. He cannot see that Sheila has been changed by the revelations. He offers Sheila the ring, “Each of you helped to kill her.” The Inspector (Act 3) - The Inspector sums up, “Look Inspector Id give thousands…” Birling to the Inspector (Act 3) - Birling wouldn’t pay Eva Smith an extra two shillings and sixpence but now offers thousands. The offer is meaningless because it is not possible to save Eva now. It shows Birling thinks he can solve everything with money, .“We are responsible for each other.” The Inspector (Act 3) - Goole stresses that it is not enough just to keep to a set of accepted manners. We must all behave morally. This would have extra resonance before the Second World War – we cannot stand by and let fascism murder millions., “Look at the way he talked to me…” Birling (Act 3 - Shows that Birling feels his social status entitles him to different treatment., “By Jingo! A fake!”“How do you know it’s the same girl?” - The Birlings are so desperate to believe their own innocence that they are willing to believe a highly unlikely set of coincidences., “That doesn’t matter to me.” Eric (Act 3) - The Birlings are so desperate to believe their own innocence that they are willing to believe a highly unlikely set of coincidences., “I suppose we’re all nice people now.” Sheila (Act 3) - The theories of innocence that Gerald and Birling are concocting do not take away the fact that Eric feels guilty for his actions. He is not willing to bury his head in the sand and pretend he has done nothing wrong., “That was the police. A girl has just died – on her way to the infirmary.” - Sheila is bitter about her family’s reaction. She is appalled that they think they have done nothing wrong simply because they think the girl is not dead. She wants them to acknowledge that they have behaved appallingly.,

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