Pineapple pizza is ______ as traditional pizza. (not delicious), Motorbikes are _______ than cars (little contaminating), Coca Cola is _______ than Pepsi.(good), She doesn't really like soda, so the ____ a bottle you find, the ____ it will be for us! (small, cheap), Everest is not __________ mountain in the world. Mauna Kea in Hawaii is _________ than Everest at 10,210 mts. (tall x2), The second game didn’t go _____________ as the first one. (good), The movie is _______________ as it was five years ago. (not funny), He’s as _____________ his father now. (tall), There are ___________ students in Class 2A as there are in 2B. (many), Angelina Jolie was _____________ paid actress last year. (high), September is ________ month for our business. (bad), Life in the country is _________ than in the city. (peaceful), Isabel is ___________ as her sister. (not talented), The final ________________ as the semi-final. (be not exciting), When Anna heard the news, she turned ________________ as a sheet. (white).

Compartive & Superlatives: The Game


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