1) How many hydrogen atoms will a hydrocarbon with 2 C's have? a) 7 b) 6 c) 5 d) 4 2) A hydrocarbon is made from atoms of... a) Carbon and Hydrogin b) Hydrogen and Carbon c) Carben and Hydrogen d) Carbon and Hidrogen 3) A carbon atom has... bonds? a) 1 b) 8 c) 2 d) 4 4) A hydrogen atom has... bonds? a) 1 b) 8 c) 2 d) 4 5) Which of the folowing are products of oil? a) Petrol b) Jet Fuel c) Nylon Clothes d) Plastics e) All of these. 6) How many Carbon atoms are in propane? a) 2 b) 6 c) 1 d) 4 7) The spaghetti model of oil is inaccurate because... a) Each chain behaves the same way. b) They are different chain lengths. c) They behave like a liquid. d) They are had to separate. 8) Which of the following represents the structure of a hydrocarbon? a) Cn H2n+1 b) Cn Hn+2 c) C2n H2n+2 d) Cn H2n+2 9) What has happened to the price of oil over time? a) Stayed the same. b) Fallen. c) Risen sharply. d) Risen slowly. 10) Which of the following is correct. Crude oil is.... a) a liquid made from smaller solids. b) a mixture of carbon and hydrogen. c) a mixture of hydrocarbons. d) a compound of hydrogen and carbon.

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