Nuclear family - parents and children, Beanpole Family - A multigenerational family where each generation has one or a few children, Civil Partnership - A legally recognised relationship between homosexual partners , Cohabitation - Living with a partner but not married or in a civil partnership, Extended family - Parents, children and grandparents, Household - One person who lives alone or a group of people who live together, Lone parent family - One parent and child or children living together, Reconstituted family - Where two partners have a child or children from a previous relationship, Functionalists - Believe that the family has a job to do in society, New Right - Believe in family values like looking after our grandparents, Agent of Socialisation - A social group responsible for teaching young people how to behave in society e.g. school, families, Deviant - A person whose behaviour which does not conform to society’s norms and values., Discrimination - Unfair treatment based on a person’s age, gender or ethnicity. , Informal social control - Control of people’s behaviour by methods such as disapproval and criticism by society, Labelling - Where people expect someone to behave in a certain way, Sanction - Punishment, Peer group - A group of people with a similar status and position in society. , Self fulfilling prophecy - When someone behaves as they expected to – could be good or bad. , Socialisation - The process through which we learn the culture and appropriate behaviour of our society,

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