A. Muscle Endurance  (dynamic strength) - 7. The ability of a group of muscles to perform repetitive contractions over a period of time without fatigue, B. Co-ordination - 1. The ability to move two or more parts of the body at the same time efficiently and accurately., C . Power (Explosive strength) - 8. Combination of strength x speed., D. Static Strength - 10. The maximal amount of force applied when a muscle contracts., E. Reaction Time - 2. Time taken to respond to a stimulus., F. Agility - 9. The ability to change the body's direction quickly and under control., G. Speed - 3. The rate at which the body is moved from one place to another., H. Flexibility - 6. The range of movement at a joint., I. Balance - 5. To keep the body stable, when still (static) or moving (dynamic)., J. Cardiovascular Endurance - 4. The efficiency of the body to take in, transport and use oxygen.,

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