1) What helps you see? a) Light b) Heat c) Sound 2) Which will let the light pass through? a) Wall b) Door c) Window 3) Mirror is _________ object. a) Rough b) Smooth 4) Which object gives off its light? a) b) c) 5) What can you use in a dark room to see? a) b) c) 6) Select All light sources. a) Fireworks b) Apple c) Glow stick d) Candles e) Mug 7) You see stars because they.... a) give light b) fall down c) are beautiful 8) light travel in straight lines called________ a) Rays b) Waves c) lines 9) Choose a surface that is that scatter the light. a) Glass b) Mirror c) Aluminium foil d) wood 10) The object that bounces off / reflect light appears_____________ a) Shiny  b) Dull  c) Beautiful d) Dirty

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