1) Present Simple is used to express a) Actions happening now b) Daily life /routine c) Actions in the future 2) Present Perfect is used to express a) Actions in the future b) Free time activities c) Experiences 3) Present continuous is used to express a) Actions in the past b) Actions happening now c) Everyday actions 4) Jealous,stubborn and reliable are... a) Verbs b) Adjectives c) Nouns 5) Which pair of adjectives describee physical appearance? a) Thin /well -built b) Sensitive/intelligent c) Bossy/affectionate 6) 1st conditional is used to express... a) Hypothetical situations. b) Probable situations in the future c) Past actions. 7) 2nd conditional is used to express a) daily life situations. b) An imaginary/hypothetical situation c) Free time activities. 8) If the coronavirus finished today, a) I Will go out with friends b) I go out with friends c) I would go out with friends 9) Which ones are NOT problems in the world? a) Pollution/ contamination b) Gender violence c) Equality /recycling 10) Will is used to express... a) Predictions and opinions about the future b) Planes and intentions for the future c) Present actions

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