Would you rather be stranded in a jungle or in a desert?, Would you rather be able to taste colours or see smells?, Would you rather only be able to whisper or shout?, Would you rather only be able to write using finger paint or text wearing mittens?, Would you rather live without music or television?, Would you rather wrestle a bear or an alligator?, Would you rather never know your real name or what you look like?, Would you rather lose all of your teeth or all of your hair?, Would you rather share your house with a family of rats or live with your parents forever?, Would you rather wear the same pair of socks for a month or underwear for a week?, Would you rather have the legs of a frog or the head of a fly?, Would you rather every scratch leave a scar or let a sumo wrestler sit on you for 10 minutes?, Would you rather never be able to use a spoon or a fork?, Would you rather have to read aloud every word you read or sing everything you say out loud?, Would you rather have three feet or three hands?.

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