you found/would find a box full of money in the street?, you won/win a lot of money in a competition?, you were/was very hungry and had no money?, you got/arrive home and couldn't/can't find your house keys?, there will/was a fire in the hotel where you are/were staying?, you would see/saw a very young child alone in the street at night?, a stranger would start/started shouting at you in the street for no reason?, you see/saw a car hit someone and then drive away?, you accidentally saw/left a restaurant without paying?, you missed/lost your job because of someone else's mistake?.

Bảng xếp hạng

Vòng quay ngẫu nhiên là một mẫu kết thúc mở. Mẫu này không tạo điểm số cho bảng xếp hạng.

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