Scene, Narrator, Mood, static character, Antagonist, Climax, flat character, Exposition, round character, Setting, logical progression, Protagonist, Rising action, Suspense, Inciting Incident, dynamic character, Falling action, Agency, Resolution, progressive peaks, Plot, direct characterization, third person point of view, Dialogue, first person point of view, indirect characterization, second person point of view, Conflict, First person point of view, Second person point of view, Third person omniscient point of view, Third person limited point of view, Third person objective point of view, Acrostic poem, Diamante, Haiku, Tanka, Lantern, Cinquain, Limerick, Shakespearean sonnet, Petrarchan sonnet, Iamb, Anapest, Trochee, Dactyl, Spondee, Monometer, Dimeter, Trimeter, Tetrameter, Pentameter, Hexameter, Heptameter, Octameter, Exact rhyme, Slant rhyme, Internal rhyme,, Rhyme scheme, Meter, Quatrain, Couplet, Octave, Sestet, free verse poetry, concrete poetry, spatial poetry, line, stanza , line break, end-stopped lines, enjambment, open stanzas, closed stanzas, pull, emphasis, simile, metaphor, personification, imagery, exact rhyme, rhyme scheme, internal rhyme, slant rhyme, alliteration, assonance, symbol,

Creative Writing Head Up Game


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