Advertising - The activity or business of telling people about things to buy., Blog - A personal record that someone puts on their website saying what they do every day and what they think about things., Broadcast - To send out sound or pictures by radio or television., Magazine - A kind of thin book with a paper cover that you can buy every week or every month. It has a lot of different stories and pictures inside., Mass media - Organizations, such as newspapers, television, and radio, that give information and news to large numbers of people., Newspaper - Large pieces of paper with news, advertisements, and other things printed on them., Printing press - A machine that is used for printing books, newspapers, etc., Publisher - A person or company that prepares books, magazines, etc, to be printed and sold., Smartphone - A cell phone that is able to do some of the things a computer can do., Social network - A website that allows you to connect with friends, family, and people who share your interests.,

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