Round 224 to the nearest 10 - 220, Round 224 to the nearest 100 - 200, Round 6,258 to the nearest 10 - 6260, Round 6,258 to the nearest 100 - 6,300, Round 6,258 to the nearest 1,000 - 6,000, Round 14,634 to the nearest 10 - 14,630, Round 14,634 to the nearest 100 - 14,600, Round 14,634 to the nearest 1,000 - 15,000, Round 699 to the nearest 10 - 700, Round 699 to the nearest 100 - 700, Round 1, 528,932 to the nearest 100 - 1,528,900, Round 1, 528,932 to the nearest 1,000 - 1,529,000, What digit is in the thousands column in 68247? - 8, What digit is in the hundreds column in 42196? - 1, What digit is in the millions column in 65123490? - 5, What is the value of '3' in 83085? - 3,000, What is the value of '9' in 294? - 90, How many times bigger than 100 is 1,000? - 10,

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