1) .... work with plants! a) farmers b) florists c) gardeners d) managers e) road builders f) dancers 2) ... work with animals! a) vets b) farmers c) zookeepers d) secretaries e) receptionists f) bodyguards 3) ... work with a computer! a) IT clerks b) Software engineers c) Software developers d) psychiatrists e) florists f) miners 4) ... work while wearing a uniform! a) doctors b) stewardesses c) policemen d) teachers e) social workers f) secretaries 5) ... work with money! a) cashiers b) bankers c) accountants d) construction workers e) rangers f) professors 6) ... search for scientific answers! a) astronomers b) phycisists c) biologists d) philosophers e) boxers f) dancers 7) ...work by going to competitions! a) boxers b) atheletes c) footballplayers d) actors e) movie directors f) singers

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