1) Je me réveille a) I get up b) I wake up c) I shave 2) Je me douche a) I take a shower b) I hurry c) I eat breakfest 3) Je m'habille a) I live b) I get dressed c) I put on clothes 4) Je prends mon petit déjeuner a) I take my lunch b) I take a shower c) I take my breakfast 5) Je me peigne/je me coiffe a) I brush/style my hair b) I take a shower c) I drink coffee 6) Je me brosse les dents a) I brush my hair b) I brush my teeth c) I shave 7) Je me rase a) I shave b) I wake up c) I wash my face 8) Je me maquille a) I get dressed b) I put on makeup c) I hurry 9) Je me dépêche a) I take breakfast b) I take a shower c) I hurry 10) J'attends le bus a) I wait for the bus b) I ride the bus to school c) I go to school 11) Je vais en cours a) I go to school b) I go to class c) I arrive at school 12) Je me lave a) I get up b) I wash my face c) I shave 13) Je me lève a) I wash my face b) I get up c) I shave 14) J'arrive à l'école a) I arrive at school b) I go to school c) My bus arrives 15) Je déjeune a) I have breakfast b) I have dinner c) I have lunch 16) Je dîne a) I have dinner b) I have lunch c) I have breakfast 17) Je vais au lit a) I go to sleep b) I go to bed c) I sleep 18) Je me couche a) I go to sleep b) I go to bed c) I sleep 19) Je rentre à la maison a) I go back home b) I go to my mansion c) I go to the mansion 20) Je fais mes devoirs a) I do my homework b) I have dinner c) I eat

Ma routine du matin/quotidienne


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