When a rectangle is enlarged by a scale factor of 3 its perimeter is enlarged by a scale factor of 3 - True, When a triangle is enlarged by a scale factor of 3 its area is enlarged by a scale factor of 3 - False, When a cube is enlarged by a scale factor of 3 is surface area is enlarged by a scale factor of 9 - True, When a cuboid is enlarged by a scale factor of 5 its surface area is enlarged by a scale factor of 25 - True, When a square is increased by a scale factor of 3 its area is enlarged by a scale factor of 9 - True, When a triangular prism is enlarged by a scale factor of 2 its volume is increased by a scale factor of 6 - False, When a cube is enlarged by a scale factor of 2 its volume isenlarged by a scale factor of 8 - True, When a cuboid is enlarged by a scale factor of 2 the total length of its edges enlarged with a scale factor of 2 - True, When a cube is enlarged by a scale factor of 3 its surface area is enlarged by a scale factor of 6 - False,

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