1) I ______________ have breakfast before school. a) usually b) often c) always 2) Justin ___________ helps his mum with the housework. a) often b) usually c) sometimes 3) My brother ____________ does the dishes. a) always b) often c) rarely 4) My sister and I ______________ play in the garden after school. a) always b) usually c) sometimes 5) I ____________ forget to do my homework. a) rarely b) sometimes c) never 6) We almost ____________ go out because of the virus. a) never b) rarely c) sometimes 7) Cats are ______________ sleepy in the morning. a) sometimes b) often c) always 8) Tom ______________ reads a book. a) often b) sometimes c) usually 9) They _____________ tidy up their rooms at the weekends. a) often b) usually c) always 10) I am ____________ tired after school. a) usually b) sometimes c) often 11) Susan ____________ eats fast food.  a) always b) rarely c) never 12) Jack doesn't like watching TV. He _____________ watches TV.  a) never b) often c) rarely 13) My family and I ____________ brush our teeth before bed. a) rarely b) always c) usually

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