1) suggest a) swimming b) to swim 2) enjoy a) singing b) to sing 3) regret a) not doing homework b) to do homework 4) can't stand a) walking in rain b) to walk in rain 5) hope a) sleeping b) to sleep 6) want a) dancing b) to dance 7) fancy a) going to cafe b) to go to cafe 8) carry on a) working b) to work 9) agree a) buying b) to buy 10) refuse a) spending b) to spend 11) look forward to a) travelling b) to travel 12) avoid a) meeting b) to meet 13) fail a) passing the exam b) to pass the exam 14) decide a) leaving school b) to leave school 15) dream of a) sleeping b) to sleep 16) can't help a) laughing b) to laugh

solutions pre-int 1 D infinitive gerund

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