Stop doing something - Maria is very good at painting, I hope she doesn't give it up!, Think of (an idea or a suggestion) - His car broke down in the middle of nowhere, but luckily he came up with a solution!, Think that someone is less important - Lucius always thinks he can look down on people, just because he is richer than them!, Admire or respect someone - I look up to my older sister, I'd like to be like her when I grow up!, Accept an unpleasant situation - Seriously, how can you put up with your brother's behaviour? He is so rude sometimes!, Meet someone by chance - Yesterday I came across a friend I hadn't seen in ages!, Tell someone something - The personal trainer started the session by pointing out all the benefits of working out, be better/different than other similar things/people - Your car is neon yellow, it definitely stands out in parking lots!,

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