1) Who did you see? a) Nothing b) No one c) Nowhere 2) What did you do after class yesterday? a) Nothing b) No one c) Nowhere 3) Where did you go last night? a) Nothing b) No one c) Nowhere 4) I bought ______ for dinner. ( + ) a) anything b) anyone c) something d) someone 5) We didn't go ___________. ( - ) a) nowhere b) anywhere c) someone d) something 6) Is there ______________ in the fridge? a) anything b) nowhere c) no one d) anywhere 7) There's __________ to park. ( x ) a) somewhere b) nothing c) something d) nowhere 8) We didn't go _____________. ( - ) a) anywhere b) nowhere c) something d) no one 9) Did ____________ phone? a) anyone / anybody b) anything c) nowhere d) somewhere 10) A: Is there anywhere to eat? B: No, nowhere. There's __________ to eat. ( x ) a) nothing b) nowhere c) something d) somewhere

Pre Int Unit 4C something, anything, nothing, etc


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