Click on 'play' to listen to the puzzle. Here is a clue: The letter that is left has the same pronunciation as the thing itself. - The answer is: Queue, Click on 'play' to listen to the puzzle. Here is a clue: It happens to all of us. - The answer is: our Age, Click on 'play' to listen to the puzzle. Here is a clue: Sam can be a girl's name as well as a boy's name (e.g. Sam for Samantha) - The answer is: The fifth daughter's name is Sam., Click on 'play' to listen to the puzzle. Here is a clue: You can't answer because you wouldn't hear the question. - The answer is: Are you asleep yet?, Click on 'play' to listen to the riddle. Here is a clue: I don't mind being stared at because I'm not human. - The answer is: The TV, Click on 'play' to listen to the riddle. Here is a clue: I'd be too hard and sharp to eat. - The answer is: Cutlery, Click on 'play' to listen to the riddle. Here is a clue: You keep green things in it ;-) - The answer is: glass, Click on 'play' to listen to the riddle. Here is a clue: Did they say it has a 't' in it or just 't' in it? - The answer is: a teapot (which has tea in it!), Click on 'play' to listen to the puzzle. Here is a clue: Some of the keys are black and some are white.... - The answer is: a piano, Click on 'play' to listen to the puzzle. Here is a clue: 1 person may have many relationships. - The answer is: Four – the four fathers could also be grandfathers and are already sons.,

BRAIN TEASERS (Puzzles & riddles)


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