1) Я собираюсь сразиться с лордом Волан-де-Мортом. a) I will fight Lord Voldemort. b) I am going to fight Lord Voldemort. c) I am fighting Lord Voldemort. d) I fight Lord Voldemort. 2) Она собирается быть джедаем a) She is going to be a Jedi. b) He is going to be a Jedi. c) She wants to be a Jedi. d) She is a Jedi. 3) Он не собирается играть в League of Legends a) He doesn't want to play League of Legends. b) He isn't playing League of Legends. c) He isn't going to play League of Legends. d) He is going to play League of Legends. 4) Ты не собираешься играть в Among Us. a) You don't want to play Among Us. b) You are playing Among Us. c) You aren't going to play Among Us. d) You aren't playing Among Us. 5) Они собираются сражаться с роботами. a) They are fighting the robots. b) They're going to fight the robots. c) They will fight the robots. d) They fight the robots. 6) Вы собираетесь дружить с Драко Малфоем? a) Are you going to be friends with Draco Malfoy? b) Are you friends with Draco Malfoy? c) Do you want to be friends with Draco Malfoy? d) Are you friendly to Draco Malfoy? 7) Она собирается купить дракона? a) Are she going to buy a dragon? b) Is she buying a dragon? c) Is he going to buy a dragon? d) Is she going to buy a dragon? 8) Мы собираемся есть пиццу? a) Are you going to eat pizza? b) Are we eating pizza? c) Are we going to eat pizza? d) Do you want to eat pizza? 9) Когда они собираются уходить? a) When am they they going to go? b) When are they they going to go? c) When are they they going go? 10) Что собирается делать Дэвид? a) What is David doing to do? b) What am David going do? c) What is David going to do?

"to be going to"

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