1. What are they looking at? 2. What's the best way to spend time together with family? Why? 3. Describe last time you spent time with your family., 1. Why is the man sleeping? 2. How important is sleep for you? 3. Describe the last time you had problems with falling asleep., 1. What do the children eat? 2. What do you like eating for breakfast? 3. What's the worst thing you've eaten?, 1. What's the situation? 2. What are the pros and cons of working together with a family member? 3. Describe the last argument with any member of your family., 1. What are they looking at? 2. How important is family for you? 3. Describe any time you had fun with your family., 1. What emotions do the people show? 2. Do you consider your family cool or embarassing? Why? 3. What was the most embarassing thing your family did?,

The Incredibles (photo description + questions)

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