Ask about the name - What's your name?, Ask for spelling a word - How do you spell that?, Ask about the address - Where do you live?, Ask about the email address - What's your email address?, Ask about the phone number - What's your phone number?, Make an order - I'd like ... Can I have ...?, You're a waiter. Ask for an order. - What would you like? Would you like anything to drink? Anything alse?, Name 5 vegetables, Name 5 fruits, Name 5 drinks, Name 10 school subjects, Name 5 places at school, What do people usually have for breakfast in Russia?, Name 10 school items, Name 5 activities with do, Name 5 activities with play, Name 5 activities with go, Name 6 containers with food, What do you need to make a sandwich?, What do you need to make pancakes?, Do you have quick breakfast on school days? Why??,

Questions GG-2 U 1&2

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