What would people do before television was invented?, How did people use to travel before there were cars?, What hobby did you use to have ten years ago?, Finish this sentence: “I used to …, but now I don’t.”, How would people wash clothes before there were washing machines?, What did people use to do in their free time a hundred years ago?, Where did you use to live as a child?, What did you use to look like ten years ago?, How did people use to buy things before there was money?, What would people do before smartphones were invented?, When you were a child, would you often have sleepovers with friends? What kind of things would you do?, What did you use to wear as a teenager that you wouldn't wear now? Why?, Would you often stay up late studying or doing work when you were in college?, Would you often go out to bars or clubs when you were younger? What was your favorite spot?, Would you often go to the library to borrow books or research information before the internet became popular?.

Used to / Would speaking (Roadmap B1+)

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