legs - A chair has four of these. You have two., ears - people often get these pierced., teeth - You have 32 of these, and you use them to eat., hair - It can be straight, curly, and wavy., nails - women often paint these., heart - this sends blood around your body., eyes - These are usually brown, blue, green, or grey., knees - they are halfway down your legs., stomach - the part of the body where food is digested after you've eaten it., toes - There are five on each foot., head - The part of the body with your hair, eyes, nose, mouth, and ears on., feet - you put shoes on this., mouth - you use it to talk, eat and smile., nose - you have one on your face. you use it to smell., finger - you can put a ring on it., forehead - this part of the body is between your eyebrows and hair., back - you usually lie down on this., neck - this connects your head to your body., elbow - this helps your arm to bend., thumbs - you have one on each hand. They are short and fat.,

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