节奏 - rhythm, 后果 - consequence, 久而久之 - as time passes, 热量 - quantity of heat, 疾病 - disease, 血脂 - blood fat, 血压 - blood pressure, 高血压 - high blood pressure., 糖尿病 - diabetes, 肥胖 - fat, 心脏 - heart, 心脏病 - heart diseases, 肥胖症 - obesity, 引起 - cause, 消化 - digest, 消化不良 - indigestion, 肠胃 - digestive system, 预防 - take precautions against, 良好 - good/fine, 垃圾 - rubbish, 奶油 - cream, 植物油 - vegetable oil, 进餐 - have a meal, 定时 - a fixed time, 定量 - fixed amount, 首先 - first of all, 其次 - secondly,

Chinese Made Easy 4 unit 9 part 1


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