The dentist pulled out my tooth. - The tooth was pulled out by the dentist., Who delivered that parcel? - Who was that parcel delivered by ?, The police are questioning him now. - He is being questioned now by the police, The waitress serves breakfast at 7 o’clock. - Breakfast is served at 7 o’clock by the waitress., Who did they give the prize to? - Who was the prize given to ?, You should take these tablets before meals. - These tablets should be taken before meals., You must wash coloured clothes separately. - Coloured clothes must be washed separately., The mayor will open the new sports centre next month. - The new sports centre will be opened by the mayor next month., They were pulling down the building when I walked by. - The building was being pulled down when I walked by., Has anyone collected the rubbish yet ? - Has the rubbish been collected yet ?, Nobody has seen our neighbour since July. - Our neighbour hasn't been seen since July., I love appreciating others. - I love being appreciated.,

Passive Voice Cards for B1

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