On the pigs bag. - successful; established a-good fortune., Away with the fairies. - Not present, in a fantasy world., May your road rise to meet you. - I wish you good fortune and easy travels , The older the fiddle the sweeter the tune.. - Things and people improve over time., It's a long road there's no turn. in - No matter how bad the situation is, things always change., It's as easy to catcha cold in a King's castle as in a sherpherds's hut - Wealth doesn't protect you from the trials of life., Even black hens lay white eggs - You should never judge the book by its cover., A good word never broke a tooth - kindness is always returned, No need to fear the ill wind when your haystacks are tied down - There is no need to worry about things if you're properly prepared., He didn't lick it off a stone - People's actions are influenced by those around them., For every mile of road there are two miles of ditches  - There are two sides to every story., An empty sack does not stand  - A hungry person has no strength to stand upright., A lamb's bleat is often more telling than a dog's bark - Subtlety and a quiet approach can be more beneficial than brute force and loudness, You'll arrive back with one arm as ling as the other - Whatever you intend to do is pointless and won't change anything., There's no use boiling your cabbage twice - once something is done, there's no need to revisit it; leave the past behind.,

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