Stephen Harrison lives in Florida. He is a wildlife rescue expert. He helps people when they have problems with wild animals. Once, someone called to ____ there were two wolves running through the local state park. It was a very ____ task to catch wolves in the park, so he drove out to see what he could do. Stephen understood that they were hungry. He threw some chicken into the back of his van, and drove through the park until the wolves jumped in. It ____ him an hour to catch both wolves in his van. When he got back home, Stephen put them into a cage in his backyard and lay down beside them. He ____ a few hours like that when they realized he was not their enemy. This man was not ____ of them either. Later the wolves were released in the National Wildlife Park. 1)  afraid; 2)  hard; 3)  say; 4)  spent; 5)  strong; 6)  talk; 7)  took.

ВПР 7. Catching wolves

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