1) I don't think Chelsea ... win the Champions League next year.  a) will b) are going to 2) Look at those clouds! It'...snow. a) 'll b) 's going to 3) I think Kate ... pass her exam. a) won't b) isn't goint to 4) That car is going too fast! It ...crash. a) 'll b) 's going to 5) I ... email you tonight - I promise! a) am going to b) will 6) He ... play tennis! a) 'll b) 's going to 7) She ... see her doctor. a) 'll b) 's going to 8) At day's end, you ..... be happy. a) 're going to b) 'll 9) ´that's too heavy for you, I ..... help you!´ a) 'll b) 'm going to 10) We ...... travel next month! a) 're going to b) 'll

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