Gamification is the process of ____ in ____ to motivate and ____ learners. It relies on taking ____ and adding ____ to it to make it more engaging and ____. Using ____ in the classroom, on the other hand, involves using commercial ____ games as a teaching tool. In this approach, teachers select ____ games which they then integrate into their lessons. The focus is on using ____ as a teaching tool rather than designing the ____ to be ____. While both gamification and using video games in the classroom have the potential to increase student ____, ____ is more focused on creating a ____ out of the lessons / courses themselves. - Game-based learning, then, involves the use of ____ games as the ____. These games are designed to meet ____, and they provide ____ to the learner on their progress. In other words, game-based learning uses games as the ____, while gamification uses ____ to enhance the learning experience - There is, clearly, a much finer line between these two concepts when compared to video games. Food for thought: While the difference between the three might not be particularly relevant, it does come with the added comfort of not needing to have knowledge of, buy or master certain ____ in order to be able to bring ____ into your lessons. - Gamification is also much more ____, which means teachers who are still getting used to the concept can ____, for example by thinking about how they already award ____ for good behaviours (which is a good example of using gamification). - At the same time, more savvy individuals can work towards building a really ____ in their lessons. You made it all the way here, phew! Before you click 'Submit', please have another look at the info on the previous pages and discuss your thoughts with your group. - What info is new? Did anything surprise you? Are you starting to form a clearer idea about these concepts? Are you left with any questions? - Done chatting? ____.

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