1) Yesterday I ______ in the sea. a) swim b) swam c) swum 2) Yesterday I _______ my lunch a) ate b) eat c) eaten 3) Last Monday I ________ a scout. a) become b) became 4) The party _______ when my friends arrived. a) begun b) begin c) began 5) Last holidays, the dog ______ his arm. a) bite b) bit c) bitten 6) She ________ out the candles a) blew b) blow c) blown 7) He ________ his pencil. a) break b) broken c) broke 8) It was her birthday, so I _______ her some flowers. a) brought b) bring c) brang 9) Last year they _____ a new house a) build b) built c) builded 10) I went to the shop and _______ a new pair of shoes a) buy b) bought c) buyed 11) At the park on Sunday, she ______ the ball. a) caught b) catch c) catched 12) Last night we all _____ different flavours. a) chose b) choose c) chosen 13) I went, and he ______ too. a) come b) came c) gone 14) I was sorry about what I _____. a) do b) did c) done 15) At school she ______ a picture, and after school she gave it to her mum. a) drawn b) draw c) drew 16) Sorry, I ______ all the juice. a) drank b) drink c) drunk 17) When he was young he ______ a bus for a living. a) driven b) drive c) drove 18) On the weekend he _____ off his bike. a) fallen b) fall c) fell 19) After he went on the Ferris Wheel, he _____ a bit sick. a) felt b) feel 20) When they were little, the brothers always ______. a) fight b) fought 21) He dug a hole and _____ some treasure. a) find b) found 22) Last year a bird ____ into our kitchen. a) fly b) flown c) flew 23) Oh no! I _____ to turn off the iron! a) forgotten b) forget c) forgot 24) She _____ some nice presents for her birthday. a) gotten b) got c) get 25) My friend's parents ______ her a puppy. a) gave b) give c) given 26) Yesterday, he _____ to the supermarket. a) gone b) went c) goes 27) The tree _______ very tall. a) grew b) grown c) grow 28) On the weekend it was sunny, so he _____ out his washing. a) hang b) hung 29) Last night, for a treat, we ____ ice-cream cake. a) had b) have 30) Last night I ______ a strange noise, and then I couldn't sleep. a) hear b) heard 31) She _____ the puppy up so we could see how cute it was. a) held b) hold 32) When she was young, she ______ her wardrobe very tidy. a) kept b) keep 33) He was scared because he _____ there were crocodiles there. a) know b) known c) knew 34) After the party was over, everyone _______. a) left b) leave 35) I can't lend you that book, because I ______ it to someone else. a) lent b) lend

Irregular past tense

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