1) As more and more people …………. businesses together these days a) set up b) are setting up 2) we interviewed two friends who …………. to make a go of it a) are trying b) try 3) We ………… for our first pair to arrive now a) are waiting b) wait 4) Ah! There …………. Let's welcome Ali and Faisal...So tell us about your experience of working together a) are they b) they are 5) You ………… web designers, aren't you? a) are b) are being 6) How …………. ? a) things go b) are things going 7) ………….. working out as planned? a) Is the business b) The business is 8) Well, it …………. actually easier than we thought it might be a) is b) is being 9) First of all, let me explain, we …………. a software program that …………. our customers to build their own websites a) have / assists b) are having / is assisting 10) Let me show you an example on the screen...Here …………. ! a) you go b) are going 11) This …………. our website a) is b) is being 12) Wow! The site certainly …………. fantastic! a) seems b) is seeming 13) …………. that's all due to your partnership? a) Are you believing b) Do you believe 14) It really …………. to have two pairs of eyes on the screen, and two pairs of hands to share the load a) helps b) is helping 15) Naturally, we …………. our differences of opinion occasionally a) have b) are having 16) That's normal when two people …………. so much time together a) spend b) spending 17) The only thing that bugs me is that Ali …………. me while l …………. with clients online a) is constantly interrupting / am speaking b) constantly interrupts / speak 18) And our chatline …………. at 8 am, but Faisal never ………… at work on time a) opens / arrives b) is opening / is arriving 19) So in general, …………. any advice for others who …………. about starting a joint venture? a) do you have / are thinking b) are you having / think 20) It …………. to be an easy solution, but it …………. a great deal of trust and understanding a) appears / requires b) is appearing / is requiring 21) But if you've got that, it …………. definitely better than going it alone a) is being b) is


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