I get up - me levanto, I shower - me ducho, I have breakfast - desayuno, I comb my hair - me peino, I go to school - voy a la escuela, I return home - vuelvo a casa, I do my homework - hago mis deberes, I watch TV - veo la televisión, I have dinner with my family - ceno con mi familia, I go to bed - me acuesto, I like to go out with my friends - me gusta salir con mis amigos, I love playing the guitar - me encanta tocar la guitarra, I like to dance - me gusta bailar, I like to do sports - me gusta hacer deporte, I love listening to music - me encanta escuchar música, I don't like to go shopping - no me gusta ir de compras, I like to play videogames - me gusta jugar a los videojuegos, I hate to surf the net - odio navegar por internet, I like to speak on the phone - me gusta hablar por teléfono,

Mi rutina diaria y mi tiempo libre

Bảng xếp hạng

Lật quân cờ là một mẫu kết thúc mở. Mẫu này không tạo điểm số cho bảng xếp hạng.

Phong cách trực quan

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