"Let me think about it. I ... (GIVE) you a call when I decide what to do." But Dylan had already decided what to do. - GIVE - WILLGIVE, “You yourself know why,” Kitty said angrily. “No, I don’t. I wouldn’t ask you if I ... (KNOW). - KNOW - KNEW, Then she added, “I ... (COME) for a new book as soon as I finish this one”. - COME - WILLCOME, Mum said: “If one day Lucky gets missing, the tag ... (HELP) us find him”. - HELP - WILLHELP, If we manage to involve more people in our fund, we ... (GET) more impressive results in the future. - GET - WILLGET, If we come and complete the other part tomorrow, the whole park ... (BE) clean and tidy. - BE - WILLBE, “If you go on like this, you ... (HAVE) a chance to take part in the Dance Competition next month.” - HAVE - WILLHAVE, ‘If people ... (BE) responsible for their pets, we wouldn’t have so much work here,” the volunteer remarked. - BE - WERE, If we go on in the same irresponsible way,we ... (KILL) all life on the planet, and ourselves too”. - KILL - WILLKILL,

Conditionals I, II (FIPI. 20-28) 4

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