1 - 1.    Present: Sarah is wearing a coat and gloves., 2 - 2.    Present: The traffic is heavy on the highway., 3 - 3.    Present: The store is closed during regular business hours., 4 - 4.    Present: Jack is on his phone during the meeting., 5 - 5.    Past: The kitchen is a mess and there are dirty dishes in the sink., 6 - 6.    Past: There is a broken window in the classroom., 7 - 7.    Past: The car is dented and scratched., 8 - 8.    Present: The dog is barking loudly at something outside., 9 - 9.    Present: The restaurant is crowded and there is a long waiting list., 10 - 10. Past: There are wet towels on the floor and water on the bathroom sink., 11 - 11. Present: The computer screen is black and there is no sound., 12 - 12. Present: The concert is starting soon, and the seats are all full., 13 - 13. Present: The window is open, and the curtains are blowing in the wind., 14 - 14. Present: The pool is empty and there are no swimmers., 15 - 15. Past: The house is decorated with balloons and streamers., 16 - 16. Present: The bookshelf is filled with textbooks and reference books., 17 - 17. Present: The office is quiet and there are no sounds of typing or talking., 18 - 18. Present: The garden is full of flowers and plants., 19 - 19. Past: The TV is still on and there is a movie playing., 20 - 20. Present: The street is empty and there are no cars passing by., 21 - 21. Present: The store shelves are empty and there are no products on display., 22 - 22. Present: The air is filled with the smell of fresh bread and pastries., 23 - 23. Past: The room is messy and there are clothes on the floor., 24 - 24. Present: The traffic is moving slowly and there are long lines of cars., 25 - 25. Present: The lights in the house are off and it's very quiet., 26 - 26. Maria is waiting for her friend Sofia to arrive. Sofia is usually very punctual, but today she's 15 minutes late. Maria wonders if something might have happened to her friend. She calls Sofia's phone, but there's no answer. , 27 - 27. Tom is watching a movie with his friend when the power suddenly goes out. Tom tries to turn on the lights, but they don't work. He speculates that there might be a problem with the circuit breaker or a power outage in the area. , 28 - 28. Mary's boss is usually very organized, but today she seems disturbed and forgetful. , 29 - 29. John is walking home from work when he sees a group of people gathered around a building. , 30 - 30. Julie is looking at her bank account and notices that she has less money than usual. , 31 - 31. Alex is waiting for his date to arrive, but she's already 20 minutes late. , 32 - 32. Sarah is studying for an exam, but she's having a hard time concentrating. , 33 - 33. Mark is watching a soccer game, and his team is playing poorly. , 34 - 34. Karen is driving to work and notices that there's a lot of traffic. , 35 - 35. James is at a restaurant and notices that his food is taking a long time to arrive. , 36 - 36. Emily is walking her dog when she notices that it's limping., 37 - 37. Jane is waiting for her friend at the airport. Her friend's flight was supposed to arrive an hour ago, but there's no sign of her., 38 - 38. Mike is at the park with his son when he hears a loud noise from a distance., 39 - 39. Susan is watching a crime show on TV when she hears a knock at the door. , 40 - 40. Jack is trying to start his car, but it won't turn on., 41 - 41. Rachel is walking her dog in the park when she sees a man in a ski mask. , 42 - 42. Bill is at the movie theater when he hears someone coughing loudly. , 43 - 43. Mary is trying to call her friend, but she's not picking up. , 44 - 44. Brian is looking for his keys, but he can't find them. , 45 - 45. Lisa is running late for a job interview. , 46 - 46. John is at a concert when he notices a security guard standing near the stage. , 47 - 47. Sarah is watching a nature documentary when she sees a strange animal on the screen. , 48 - 48. David is at a restaurant and notices that the waiter is acting nervous. , 49 - 49. Tom is at the beach when he sees a group of people running towards the water. , 50 - 50. David is trying to turn on his computer, but it's not working.,

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