Adolf Hitler - leader of the Nazi party, took power in Germany and aimed to achieve German domination, appeasement - the policy of giving in to satisfy the demand of a potential enemy, Bataan Death March - Filipino and US prisoners forced to march 60 miles through jungles without food and water, Battle of Midway - considered a major turning point in the war in the Pacific, putting the Japanese on the defensive and the US on the offensive., Battle of the Bulge - major turning point in the war in Europe, Germany's last offensive attack, Blitzkreig - German fighting strategy also known as "lightening war", Chester Nimitz - US Navy Admiral defeated the Japanese at the Battle of Midway, D-Day - invasion of Normandy, France in 1944, Douglas MacArthur - led US forces in the Pacific, gradually took control using the strategy of island-hopping, Dwight D. Eisenhower - Supreme allied commander responsible for the D-Day invasion, Executive Order 9066 - require Japanese Americans to be relocated to internment camps, Flying Tigers - a group of American volunteer fighter pilots helped keep supply lines open in China, George Marshall - Roosevelt's Army Chief of Staff, helped build up and supply 8 million man army and helped oversee the project to build an atomic weapon, George Patton - commanded the Army invasion of Africa and Italy, led the Third Army unit through Europe, Harry Truman - US President who made the decision to use the new atomic weapon on Japan to prevent the loss of more American lives, Hiroshima/Nagasaki - Japanese cities that were targeted for the dropping of the A-bomb, Holocaust - was the attempted genocide of the Jews during WW II which led to the killing of over 6 million Jews, Island hopping - successful US war strategy in the Pacific, Korematsu v. US - Supreme Court case ruled that the internment of the Japanese Americans was constitutional, Lend-lease Act - allowed for the US to sell, lease or lend war materials to any country deemed vital to the defense of the United States, Navajo code Talkers - were used to send messages in the military because their language could not be diciphered, neutrality acts - a series of laws passed by Congress to keep the country out of the war, Nuremberg Trials - demonstrated that leaders and individuals are responsible for their actions, even in times of war., office of war information - produced pro-Allied, anti-Axis, propaganda posters, movies, and radio programs to make citizens aware of how they could help the war effort, Omar Bradley - led the first American army to advance through France, Pearl Harbor - US naval base in Hawaii attacked by the Japanese on Dec. 7, 1941, rationing - regulated the amount of goods that consumers could obtain, therefore sharing in the sacrifices of war, Tuskegee Airman - an all black fighter group in the Air Corps who provided escorts for pilots on bombing missions, Vernon Baker - black soldier awarded the Medal of Honor 40 years after his heroic service in WW II, Victory Gardens - Americans grow their own vegetables and fruits in order to conserve the food supply,

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