Bad apple - A discontented, troublemaking, or dishonest person, Go pear-shaped - To fail, Life is a bowl of cherries - Life is wonderful, Second banana - A person in a subservient  or accomodating person, Snowball’s chance in hell - No chance at all, Behind the scenes - In a way not apparent to the public, Cooking up a storm - Cooking a big amount of food, Hit the books - To study, Hit the hay - To go to bed, Change one’s tune - To alter one’s opinion about something, Face the music - Dealing with consequences of one’s actions, Get the picture - Understand what is happening, When it rains, it pours - Problems tend to come in groups, Behind the times - Old-fashioned, Take you time - Don’t hurry, work at a relaxed pace, Time is money - Time is valuable, so don’t waste it,

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