Rib cage - Protects the heart and lungs, Skull - Protects the soft tissue of the brain, Radius - Helps move your arms and wrist, Femur - Holds a persons body weight, Pelvis - Protects the organs used for digesting and for reproduction , Ulna - Helps move the arm wrist and hand, Tibia - Holds most of you're body weight , Humerus - Helps move you,re arm wrist and hand, Fibula - Provides stability to the ankle, Deltoid - Helps you're arms in different directions, Tendons - Keeps things together, pectoralis - Adducts and medially roatates the humerus, Bicep - Bends the arm and the elbow, Rectus - Moves the body between the ribcage and pelvis, Quadriceps - Extends the leg at the knee joint and flex the thigh at the hip joint,

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