partition - the division of Ireland into two states, unionist - someone who wants to maintain the union between Ireland and Great Britain, loyalist - someone who is loyal to the British Crown, nationalist - someone in favour of Irish Independence, sectarianism - division based on religious difference, gerrymandering - rigging electoral boundaries to create unfair results, john hume - an important figure in the civil rights movement, from Derry, sdlp - nationalist party who were opposed to the IRA, ian paisley - a hardline Unionist, leader of the DUP, bspecials - police reserve force who were feared and hated by Northern nationalists, government of ireland act 1920 - act of parliament that created the state of Northern Ireland, james craig - first Prime Minister of Northern Ireland, terence oneill - Prime Minister of Northern Ireland 1963-1969, sean lemass - first Irish Taoiseach to officially visit NI, free presbyterian church - church founded by Ian Paisley, nicra - civil rights organisation, martin luther king - he provided inspiration for the Civil rights movement in NI, derry - a civil rights march here in October 1968 was batoned by the RUC, james chichester clark - he succeeded Terence O'Neill as PM of NI, battle of the bogside - major violenc in Derry in August 1969, apprentice boys - their march provoked violence in August 1969 in Derry, ulster defence association - a loyalist terrorist group, provisional ira - this hardline group split from the Official IRA in December 1969, gerry adams - senior IRA and Sinn Féin leader from Belfast, gerry fitt - first leader of the SDLP, internment - imprisoning suspects without trial, brian faulkner - the last Prime Minister of NI, he introduced the policy of internment in 1971, 30 january 1972 - date of Bloody Sunday in Derry, fourteen - how many were killed by the Paratroopers in Derry on Bloody Sunday, sunningdale agreement - attempt to form a power sharing government in 1973, willie whitelaw - first secretary of State for NI after Stormont was suspended in 1972, edward heath - British PM at time of the Sunningdale agreement, council of Ireland - the most controversial element of the Sunningdale agreement for Unionists, ulster workers council - they organised the strike that brought down the Sunningdale power sharing government in May 1974, birmingham - British city where IRA bombing of pubs killed 21 people in 1974, maze - prison at the centre of the Hunger strikes, bobby sands - MP who died on hunger strike in 1981, margaret thatcher - British PM during the 1981 hunger strikes, political status - what the IRA hunger strikers were demanding, sinn fein - political wing of PIRA, downing street declaration - statement of principles that was an important early stage in the peace process, david trimble - leader of the UUP who signed the Good Friday agreeement, bertie ahern - Taoiseach when the Good Friday agreement was signed, tony blair - British PM when the Good Friday agreement was signed, george mitchell - US senator who chaired the negotiations that led to the Good Friday agreement, decommisioning - the destruction of paramilitary weapons that was required by the GFA, anglo irish agreement - an agreement between Garret Fitzgerald and Margaret Thatcher that gave the Dublin govt an oversight role in the governance of NI, south armagh - a PIRA stronghold knicknamed 'bandit country', 3500 - number killed in the Troubles, dublin and monaghan - where UVF car bombs killed 33 people in the Republic in 1974,

Northern Ireland anagrams

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