to work - work worked, to play - play played, to walk - walk walked, to run - run ran run, to drive - drive drove driven, to fly - fly flew flown, to swim - swim swam swum, to go - go went gone, to stop - stop stopped, to follow - follow followed, to think - think thought thought, to speak - speak spoke spoken, to say - say said said, to chat - chat chatted, to tell - tell told told, to whisper - whisper whispered, to yell - yell yelled, to eat - eat ate eaten, to drink - drink dran drunk, to kill - kill kileld, to die - die died, to win - win won won, to lose - lose lost lost, to smile - smile smiled, to laugh - laugh laughed, to cry - cry cried, to buy - buy bought bought, to pay - pay paid paid , to sell - sell sold sold, to shoot a gun - shoot shot shot, to learn - learn learnt learnt, to jump - jump jumped, to smell - smell smelt smelt, to hear sound - hear heard heard, to listen to music - listen listened, to taste - taste tasted, to touch - touch touched, to see a bird - see saw seen, to watch tv - watch watched, to kiss - kiss kissed, to burn - burn burnt burnt, to melt - melt melted, to dig - dig dug dug, to explode - explode exploded , to sit - sit sat sat, to stand - stand stood stood, to love - love love, to pass by - pass passed, to cut - cut cut cut, to fight - fight fought fought, to lie down - lie lay lain, to dance - dance dance, to sleep - sleep slept slept, to wake up - wake woke woken, to sing - sing sang sung, to count - count count, to marry - marry marry, to pray - pray pray, to mix/stir - mix mix, to bend - bend bent bent, to wash - wash washed, to cook - cook cooked, to open - open opened, to close - close closed, to write - write wrote written, to call - call called, to turn - turn turned, to build - build built built, to teach - teach taught taught, to grow - grow grew grown, to draw - draw drew drawn, to feed - feed fed fed, to catch - catch caught caught, to throw - throw threw thrown, to clean - clean cleaned, to find - find found found, to fall - fall fell fallen, to stumble - stumble stumbled, to send - send sent sent, to push - push pushed, to pull - pull pulled, to carry - carry carried, to break - break broke broken, to wear - wear wore worn, to hang - hang hung hung, to shake - shake shook shaken, to sign - sign signed, to beat - beat beat beaten, to lift - lift lifted, to bite - bite bit bitten, to sing - sing sung sung, to wake - wake woke woken, to forget - forget forgot forgotten, to hurt - hurt hurt hurt, to sleep - sleep slept slept,

95 Common Verbs in English regular/irregular

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