This book received so many ____ reviews that I knew I had to read it. The film was ____, it kept me on the edge of my seat, and the twist at the end was truly shocking. The art exhibit was truly ____, with each piece more breathtaking than the last. The horror movie was so ____ that I couldn't even finish it - I couldn't stop imagining those unsettling scenes. The political debate was so ____ that it sparked heated arguments and debate. The novel was so ____ that I couldn't stop thinking about it long after finishing it. The podcast was so ____! I couldn't wait to listen to the next episode. The scientific breakthrough was truly ____ and paved the way for new discoveries and research. The fireworks display was so ____ that it took my breath away, and I couldn't stop talking about it for days afterward. The movie had such a ____ and heart-wrenching story that I couldn't help but shed a tear or two. The speech was so ____ that it inspired me to take action and make a difference. The mystery novel was so ____ that I couldn't put it down, and I stayed up all night to find out who was the murderer.

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