Needs - goods or services needed in order to live, Wants - goods or services that people would like to have but are not essential for living, Scarcity - not enough products to fulfil the wants of the population, Opportunity Costs - the thing we give up by choosing another item, Factors of Production - the inputs used in the production of goods and services in order for businesses to make a profit, Capital - the finance and equipment needed to make products, Enterprise - the skill of the person who brings the other factors of production together to make goods and services, Land - all resources provided by nature (oil, metal, wood), Labour - the number of people available to make the products or provide the services, Goods - tangible (physical) things that are produced, bought or sold and then finally consumed, Services - non -physical (intangible) items or skills that fulfill peoples wants e.g hairdressing and insurance company,

Business Activity

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