1) What does exceptional customer focus mean? a) Anticipate customer's questions b) Exceed customer's expectations c) Being genuine and friendly d) All of these are correct 2) Who is our typical customer? a) The Client b) The Broker c) Anyone you come in contact with d) The Insured 3) What are the five rules of customer communication? a) Be Postive & Friendly, Quick, Proactive, Clear, Accurate b) Be Vague, Bored, Tired, Snappy, Relieved c) Be Animated, Clear, Happy, Deligent, Reactive d) Be Friendly, Talkative, Giggly, Vague, Flirty 4) How do you confirm understanding? a) Repeat everything the caller tells you b) Ask clarifying questions c) Paraphrase what the caller is saying d) Keep Control of the conversation e) Say yes or ok after the caller tells you something f) B,C,D 5) True or False. It is not only important what you say, but how you say it. a) True b) False 6) Marty from ABC Co calls and tells you he needs a Year To Date STD claim report. How do you respond? a) Hi Marty, I would be happy to help you with that. May I have you confirm your email address? b) Hi Marty, you can access that information via our website. Would you like that information? c) Hi Marty, I would be happy to send that to you email if you could verify your email address? This information can also be obtained from our website myNYLGBS.com for any future needs. d) Hi Marty, we would be happy to help you with that if you will send us an email. 7) Alice from The Umbrella Academy calls you because one of their long time employees just passed away and she is so distraught she doesn't remember how to file a life claim. Can you assist her? What will you say? a) Alice I am so sorry for your loss. I would be happy to email you the forms and the instructions on how to submit the claim. I see we have your email address on file as Alice.Cooper@Umbrella.org is this correct? b) Hi Alice, I am so sorry for your loss. You can go online to myNYLGBS to access the forms. c) Alice, so sorry about your loss, let me transfer you to someone who can help you. d) Hi Alice, you can go online and submit the claim.

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