Cost of the material - amount of purchasing the materials may differ from one supplier to another even though the specifications are just the same., Environmental consideration - Anything that leads to the pollution of soil,water, and air, especially its energy consumption impact., Chemical properties - A material property evident during the time of its use will show a chemical reaction, Physical properties - The identified and different aspects of material most particularly its basic capabilities., Selection Material - The material selection is one of the most common tasks for design engineering., Standard Operating Procedure - A detailed written instruction that ensures the systems are used most efficiently., Work Order - A manual or automatic generated work request that gives an authorization of maintenance, repair, or operations work to be completed to customers., Work Instructions - It serves as a guide and can be more detailed to process flows in rendering services to customers., Service Manual - It serves as a guide and instructions on how to maintain and repair a specific material/equipment, Operations Manual - Contains steps/procedures on how to perform the functions of the equipment or materials correctly and efficiently.,

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