Survey population - The population from which information is obtained in a survey, Bias - Prejudice that distorts/affects the truth of research and is usually caused by the values/beliefs of a researcher, Random Sampling - A type of probability sampling in which the researcher randomly selects a subset of participants from a population, Generalisability - The extent to which the findings of a study can be applied to other situations., Sampling Frame - A list of members of the population from which the sample is chosen., Social stratification - The existence of a hierarchy in which groups have different statuses and degrees of privilege, Slavery - A system of stratification in which one group is treated as the legal property of another group , Discrimination - Actions and policies that disadvantage an individual or group on the basis of their characteristics, Ableism - Discrimination based on a person's physical ability (or disability), Marxism - A theoretical analysis of society that sees conflict among the classes as the primary feature of society, Hawthorne/Observer Effect - Unintended effects of the researcher's presence on the response of the participants ,

IGCSE Sociology Chapters 1 and 2 Terms


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